Dirk Scholte










Here you can find some data products which are derived from work related to the papers below.

The JWST EXCELS survey: Probing strong line diagnostics and the chemical evolution of galaxies over cosmic time using Te-metallicities

Paper link: Scholte et al. (2025)

The data files will be uploaded soon! Please check back later.

The atomic gas sequence and mass-metallicity relation from dwarfs to massive galaxies

Paper link: Scholte et al. (2024)

Atomic gas sequence

Measurements of the atomic gas sequence for a mass complete sample of galaxies: Download here.

You can use the function below to plot the function we fitted to the data:

def logfhi(logmstar, gamma0=-0.14, gamma1= -0.854, beta=1.2, M0=8.98,logfhi7=0.45):
    '''The atomic gas sequence of a mass complete sample of galaxies.'''
    return logfhi7 + gamma0*np.log10((10**logmstar)/(10**7)) + (gamma1-gamma0)/beta * np.log10(1+((10**logmstar)/(10**M0))**beta)

Mass-metallicity relation

Measurements of the mass-metallicity relation for an emission line flux limited sample of galaxies: Download here.

You can use the function below to plot the function we fitted to the data:

def mzr(logmstar, Z0=8.854, M0=10.49, gamma1=0.2439, beta0=1.20):
    '''The mass-metallicity relation for an emission line flux limited sample'''
    return Z0 - gamma1/beta0 * np.log10(1+(10**logmstar/(10**M0))**-beta0)

Measurements of the mass-metallicity relation for a representative sample of star-forming galaxies: Download here.

Cold gas mass measurements for the era of large optical spectroscopic surveys

Paper link: Scholte & Saintonge (2023)

Grids of photoionization models: Download here.